safe makeup brands during pregnancy

Pregnancy-Safe Makeup: An Ultimate Guide to the Best Brands & Products in 2023

Pregnancy is a beautiful thing. You’re “glowing” with excitement to meet your little one, and you’re probably doing all that you can to prepare for them. It’s truly an amazing thing—and definitely not easy on your body. But if there’s one thing that isn’t “easy” about pregnancy (besides vomiting, mood swings, and heartburn), it’s that …

dioxins chemical make up

What Are Dioxins?

If you’ve been researching non-toxic diapers or menstrual products, you may have come across the term “dioxins.” But what are dioxins, and why are they something you should be concerned about? What Are Dioxins & Where Do They Come From? There are hundreds of different types of individual dioxins, but all dioxins come from three …

baby sitting next to a small package of size three kudos diapers

Kudos Diapers Review 2023

I have three kids, and over the years, we’ve had the exciting job of trying out A LOT of disposable diapers. And I know from first-hand experience how frustrating it can be to find a good, reliable disposable diaper brand that fits your needs, doesn’t cause a diaper rash, and feels soft on baby’s skin …