Phthalates, a family of industrial chemicals used to soften PVC plastic and as solvents in cosmetics and other consumer products, can damage the liver, kidneys, lungs, and reproductive system. –Healthcare Without Harm The US government has actually banned the use of phthalates in children’s toys and other children’s products. Which is great, but phthalates can …
Bisphenol ABC
Okay, I had to start out with the one that everyone (or nearly everyone) has heard of already. BPA. What is BPA, and Why is it so “Bad”? A number of years ago, a study was done that told the world that BPA was bad for our health. According to “BPA has a similar …
8+ Ingredients to Avoid in Your Makeup
I’m a mom of two, and to be completely honest, I only wear makeup a few times per week. I work from home, and my girls stay with me most days, so if we don’t have anywhere to go, I usually don’t have the time or energy to put it on. That being said, I …
The Beginning – Common Household Toxins
I figured the beginning would be a good place to start. I mean, I’m not going to take you all the way back to the day I was born, but let’s start things off with my childhood… What My Diet Looked Like When I Was a Kid I was raised in the deep south. Fried …