I can’t believe it, but we just got rid of all of our non-stick cookware. I hadn’t planned to do it yet. It was actually going to be one of the last things we replaced… mainly because we had a REALLY nice set that was given to us when we got married, and I loved …
Homemade Weed Killer
We moved into our house about three years ago. We love it. We searched and searched (and searched and searched and searched) for the perfect home for our family for MONTHS, and at the very end, after we had given up and started to give in on some of our “must-have’s,” this one just sort …
How to Avoid Food Toxins
When I started with the organic movement, food was the first thing that changed in our house. To be honest, I hadn’t really thought about all of the other toxins that could be in our home, but I knew that all of the processed foods in our pantry definitely weren’t good for us. It actually …
8 Substitutions for Plastic
Plastic is all around us. I recently read a book by Michael Sanclements called Plastic Purge. (It’s a terrific book. You should give it a read!) In one of the chapters, he goes through an average day in our modern world. It’s something like this… We wake up to the sounds of a plastic alarm …
Bisphenol ABC
Okay, I had to start out with the one that everyone (or nearly everyone) has heard of already. BPA. What is BPA, and Why is it so “Bad”? A number of years ago, a study was done that told the world that BPA was bad for our health. According to healthline.com “BPA has a similar …
The Beginning – Common Household Toxins
I figured the beginning would be a good place to start. I mean, I’m not going to take you all the way back to the day I was born, but let’s start things off with my childhood… What My Diet Looked Like When I Was a Kid I was raised in the deep south. Fried …